

Caly Client Care Representative

Caly, Client Care Representative and VA in training, was born and raised in the Ottawa area. She has always had a soft spot when it comes to all animals and could always be found cuddling with the animals at family functions, preferring their company. Although she did not obtain any formal education in the veterinary field, Caly always knew that one day she would be working with animals and has been happily employed at Carling since December of 2021.

She has loved working as a Client Care Representative and getting to know the clients through interactions at the front desk. She is also excited to begin training in the VA position to further her knowledge of the veterinary field and strengthen her relationships with clients and their pets.

Caly herself has 2 cats: Lady, a 4-year-old calico, and Jasper, an 11-year-old brown tabby who she co-owns with her parents. She dreams to one day own a corgi, as they are her favourite dog breed. Outside of work, you can find Caly spending time with her family or friends, watching movies, or re-reading Harry Potter (shout out to her fellow Gryffindors).